Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Day 31 - reflection and moving forward

I haven't sent a postcard on time since the 8th. Do I have the tenacity to sit around today and write 22 more postcards and mail them out today? Maybe not. I've got the stamps and the cards, sure. Do I have that many friends? Perhaps. Do I have the energy, attention span and passion for it? Doubtful. I'm starting to see that these challenges of physically doing something every day seems to be too much for me right now.

Loosely considering doing something way different in April. Perhaps to post a quote which speaks to me, or to make note of something lacking in my life and how I combat it. I guess I'll have time to consider it, as I'm writing my postcards... ::le sigh::

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Day 30 - Postcard to Amy

Amy is a friend who I know because she married my friend Ethan several years ago. She's a great mom and she's got a great sense of humor. I think that's a requirement to be my friend anyway. I once sent her a Flat Stanley. Not only did she take him on her travels and take some great pictures, she also set him up with his own facebook page. Hilarious!

Monday, March 29, 2010

Day 29 - Postcard to Wendy

Wendy and I went to High School together. We didn't know each other very well back then. We didn't run in the same circles. Who am I kidding? I didn't run anywhere. :) I got back in touch with her when my bff found her on facebook, so I started talking to her...and really regret not getting to know her better when we were in High School.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Day 26 - Postcard for Adrienne

Adrienne is married to a former schoolmate of mine. I had the opportunity to meet her last November. She's a mean cook and is very creative. I also needed an emergency "church outfit". Without blinking, she yanked me into her room and started throwing clothes at me. I mean, who DOES that? Adrienne, that's who. ;)

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Day 25 - Postcard for Mindy

Facebook friend of a friend, yada yada...same story as several others. We have a lot of friends in common. We also have a lot of things in common that aren't "usual" things to have in common with other people. The really strange part is we ran in the same circles with the same groups of people during our youth, and still can't seem to figure out why we never met one another. The world is a funny place sometimes. :)

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Day 24 - Postcard for Ashley

Ashley's very political, in the "actions speak louder than words" kind of way. He's been a big part of many grassroot groups, he's lobbied, he's assisted the Mayor of Utah, he's travelled the world for what he believes in. I only got to spend a few hours with him when I met him in person, but it was probably the most intense first "few hours" I've spent with anybody I've met off the internet (that's a lot of people, guys). So, I thought it fitting to send him this postcard...

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Day 23 - Postcard to Portia

Growing up, Portia was a DJ on a popular radio station everyone in my High School listened to. She was also the big sister to my brother's best friend. I never really knew her as a person growing up. She was just a "radio personality" to me. She does radio on a different channel now, and though I can pick it up through the internet, I haven't taken the time to listen lately. We've gotten to know each other on a more personal level through emails and Facebook. I know for me, when I come to certain crossroads in my life, it's important for me to know who my actual friends are, and who will be there if I need an ear. So this postcard is a reminder that I was once a radio listener, but now I'm her friend.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Day 22 - Postcard to my little brother

Aaron has been my brother by blood for 20 years now. We didn't really know how to get along well, or how to be friends until just the past few years. I feel really lucky that people can grow and change in this lifetime. I would have really missed out on having an amazing person in my life, had we not been able to put all our "stuff" on the table and have the capacity to just move forward. Aaron, I'm so very proud to call you my brother. You'll do great things in life, this I promise you.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Day 19 - LvRG

My dear sweet Laura is another one of my amazing Broken Buddies. She's really quirky and kind. She's also got a lot more adventure in her bones than she might realize. She stepped out of her comfort zone a few times when we ran about town last November...I can't wait to see her again.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Day 18 - Postcard to the Grandparents

Unfortunately, my "nuclear family" exploded decades ago. Most of my family lives in Utah. There's a smattering of steps, in-laws and adoptees found throughout a few other states. I'm the only one in Texas, other than my paternal grandmother's only surviving brother. My maternal grandparents met and fell in love shortly after their High School graduation. They've remained married and very much in love ever since. They're adorable (both separate and together) and I love to visit them in their house up in the Utah mountains. My grandfather has lost most of his hearing and my grandmother has lost most of her sight. They're quite the pair...I hope they'll be able to read this card!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Day 17 - Postcard to Meesh

I think I'm starting to sound like a broken record. It sounds like all my friends exist in cyberspace. Does that speak to my generation or is there something else going on? :) Seriously, though. Meesh has such a dry wit about her, she's constantly keeping me in stitches. Her health issues also really help me to keep mine in perspective. She's survived so much and she's so positive and filled with an over-abundance of gratitude. I haven't met her yet, but I'm sure when I do, it'll be a day I'll never be able to forget. Not that I'd want to...cause she's really freakin' hot. :)

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Day 16 - Postcard to Kathy

Kathy's another "friend of a FB friend". As usual, I continue to find the world getting smaller and smaller. She has a lot more in common with me than I had originally thought, and for that I'm truly grateful. It's nice, not having to explain myself to someone else for a change. I also got to meet her in person November 2009. We've talked on the phone a few times too, but everyone really loves getting postcards, don't they? :)

Monday, March 15, 2010

Day 15 - Postcard to a postal worker

I met Sean on Facebook through a multitude of mutual friends. His knowledge of useless facts about anything dealing with music completely baffles me. He's like the encyclopedia meets Casey Kasem. He's spiritual and has a great sense of humor. I was blessed with the opportunity to meet him in person just these past several months. It's always a pleasant surprise when meeting someone you've only known through text and pictures to be just as amazing in person as well. He was also part of the inspiration for doing this postcard challenge, because snail mail is job security for him! So here's your postcard, Sean. I hope you like it.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Day 12 - Postcard to Dave

My path first crossed with Dave when I was 14 years old. I lied to him about my age, but no one can fake maturity they don't have. Several years passed before we had the opportunity to find one another on Facebook, almost 20 years after the fact. He's thoughtful, artistic and seemingly introverted. I guess that's what makes us such good friends. He likes to travel and is interested in ghost towns. I sent him this postcard as a reminder that he can go wherever the wind decides to blow him.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Day 11 - Postcard to a girl named Sue

The whole "Sue" thing is kind of a funny story. I'm not sure exactly how we met. I know it was through MySpace, but I'm not sure who contacted whom or why. What I do know is that only after a few conversations she told me her birthday was coming up and she didn't really have anyone to do anything with. Anyone who knows me knows I a-love a challenge, and b-am kind of a big deal when it comes to gifts and surprises. So, I just told Sue to meet us at the Hookah Lounge and we'd take care of the rest. I had invited a lot of mutual friends and just friends of mine who seem to get along well with everybody along. We rented out the back room of the Hookah lounge which was PHENOMENAL. Rich, saturated colors, millions of silk pillows on the floor, silk drapings everywhere. The ambience was great. The only problem was, when the actual party started, the party consisted of me...Katie...and eventually Sue. No one else showed up!

Desparate times call for desparate measures. I started meeting girls in the bathroom and invited them back to share our hookah. The next thing I know, there's close to 50 people chatting, laughing...and as the Universe normally does, some really interesting "coincidences" started to happen. People I met in the bathroom actually KNEW Sue but had no idea she was there or that it was her birthday. So it all worked out in the long run. Sue always makes me laugh, which is by far the best medicine. We've helped walk each other through some pretty hairy situations, always trying to find the humor in situations, no matter how bleak they may appear.

Good for Sue, but bad for me...Sue's life is taking her on a path that's led her back to Austin, so though she's farther away now, I'm sure our paths will cross again. I hope she finds health, wealth, happiness and success on this, her new leg in life.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Day 10 - Postcard to my bff

Jason is such an amazing person. We met at a meeting of our High School's Ecology Club. It was love at first sight. Not like *that*, but there was just something about him that drew him to me. He tried to shake me, dodging me in hallways...but I always tracked him down. I guess I came on strong? ::smile:: I could go on for days about our friendship. How we haven't gone more than a week or so without a phone call in over 15 years, except for a few "family emergencies". We've both walked with each other through so many different life events, moves, loves, crises...he's still now and forever my heart.

The card doesn't really have any meaning other than some smart-ass remark about "Despair" on the flip side.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Day 9 - Postcard to my other BFF

I met Andi when I got my first job after moving to Iowa. I was in a bad living situation and word went through the grapevine that I wasn't sleeping well and was miserable. She approached me out of nowhere (I'd never met her before) and she offered me a temporary place to stay. Again, another story which might seem odd, had the situation occurred anywhere other than Des Moines Iowa. I was skeptical of her hospitality, but called her bluff when the crap hit the fan at my apartment at 2 a.m. the following Tuesday. She answered the phone and without question just said "come over, door's open". I stayed with her for a month, then she helped me find my own place and furnished it with some of her old furniture.

I've seen her once in the past five years, since I moved to Texas. Every time we talk it's like we're picking up a conversation we had an half hour before. We've helped each other grow so much, and I can't wait to see her again.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Day 8 - Postcard to a former co-worker

At least she had the common sense to skip the state... :)

Friday, March 5, 2010

Day 5 - Postcard for an old schoolmate

I can't say too much about this one without ruining the surprise. I'll see if someone comments on this after it's received.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Day 4 - Postcard to an Uncle

I have several "Uncles" but only two of them are actual biologically so. This particular postcard is going to someone I met on the internet, and over the years became one of my dearest friends. I was living in Iowa at the time and needed to find an apartment ASAP. I went on and found a gentleman who was looking to split the rent with someone who was responsible (check!), financially stable (check!), quiet (check!) and could move in immediately (check!). It sounded almost too good to be true. I had waited for a room to open up in a house where several of my friends were staying on a month-to-month basis. It didn't look like there was going to be someone moving out at the right time, however. I contacted guy and went to visit him at his home. He had on a thick Dickies jacket and was grilling ribs in the backyard. Would just seem like a normal occurrence in the midwest, but it was night, and it was Winter. He would pop outside to check the meat, then come back and chat a bit about his work history. He used to be a volunteer fireman, but quit because he couldn't sleep at night without having nightmares of the days before. He seemed very genuine and funny. I really enjoyed meeting him. The next day a room opened up in the home I was waiting for, so I called the gentleman (Kenny) to tell him I no longer needed a roommate, but thanked him for his time. 

I kept his contact information and set him up with a friend of mine who needed a roommate. They didn't really jive and after a few months, neither did my housemates and I. A little shuffling occurred and I was Kenny's roommate. I inherited a cat from one of my housemates and Kenny was smitten. The cat, (Reggie) was very mild mannered and attentive. Kenny spent months training the cat to do little tricks. I had no idea cats could be trained like dogs! Kenny became the guy I could come home to after work and vent to, he became emotional support and a confidant. Best of all, to this day, he's still one of my few friends who I can be completely "me" with. I'm crude, I've got a biting sense of humor, I can be offensive. I love it when people get my humor.

As time passed, I had an opportunity to leave the state, but I couldn't take Reggie. Kenny was excited I left him behind. To this day I still get "Mother's Day" cards, Birthday Cards and Hanukkah cards...from Reggie. :) Kenny and I stay in contact through email, but I don't usually send snail mail. I know he'll be really tickled to get this card, and he'll laugh until he cries when he sees the picture on the front. 

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Day 3 - Postcard to a Broken Buddy in the UK

I was an English Major in college, at least for a semester. I wrote a paper on Etymology. My father has had a lifetime career in Communications. My mother's an English major. I love the English language. My favorite thing about the language is how words come into fruition. Did you know 15 + words were added to the dictionary as a direct result of terms people put into use after 9/11? "Shoe-bomber" for example. True story. Look it up. So, to pay homage to my native tongue, I celebrate my days by coming up with terms which help me most easily express myself to my close circle of friends. This is where Broken Buddies come in.

Before I started my 29th year on the planet, I've usually had more "acquaintances" than "friends". I'm okay with that. I'm an introvert by nature. Due to several life changes beyond my control in the past four years, I've been put in touch with several people (mainly women) across the world, who are also "broken". I refer to these women as my Broken Buddies (BBs). The irony is, these women are far from being damaged goods. They are the most compassionate, well-educated, self-aware, intuitive, funny women I know. I'm blessed to know them all and hope I bring to them just an iota of the joy they have brought to mine.

One BB I don't know very well. We chat on and off on one of the few social online networks to which I'm a subscriber. We both belong to a group of BB women who are trying to get better. Emotionally, spiritually, physically. There is no cure for our disease, but there is hope, understanding and at times, acceptance. I mentioned my postcard challenge to the group and she followed up with an email, asking if I would send her one. Her term used was "calling my bluff". Well, Allison, there's a postcard with San Francisco on the front, being mailed from Texas, on it's way to you in the UK.

Mess with the bull, you get the horns. ;)

**Note** Another interesting thing I learned at the post office today is how to put proper postage on international mail. I wasn't sure if I was to use US stamps or tape yen to the cover...I handed the postcard to the postal worker who told me it would cost 98 cents to send. The normal price to send a postcard within the states as of today is 28 cents. I didn't want to coat the card so I bought a 98 cent stamp, and it's now on it's way. I wonder how long it will take to get there...

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Day 2 - Postcard to my house

Change is inevitable. The weather changes, people change, our health changes. We cannot stop the aging process, some just do it more gracefully than others. I've gotten additional news about my health, the cold exacerbates the pain in my bones, and I'm just one person in a full house. It's hard to take the people I love for granted. I think sometimes life is just seeming to whiz by in a fast and furious blur, and it's easy to lose focus and balance. That's why today's postcard is going to the post office, and turning right back around to whence it came. Katie is a huge fan of Dale Chihuly, famous glass-blower. I bought her a pack of Chihuly postcards years ago. It's growing dust on a dark corner of the bookshelf. It was until today at least. I tore out the one postcard that's got an external installation. A great reminder for us to get outside and play; a nod to the upcoming Spring. A postcard doesn't make a lot of room to get too profound, so I just wrote down my favorite Shel Silverstein poem, and hope it will bring a smile to her face that I've missed seeing lately.

**NOTE** This postcard was a tiny bit larger than "the usual" postcard, so the post office considered it a letter and charged me full price in postage. I learned something new today!

Monday, March 1, 2010

Day 1 - Postcard to PA

I wasn't sure how to post about these without ruining the surprise. I guess I can just be quasi-vague and pray that no one cares about my blog enough to read this. So my first postcard goes out to a friend I met on Facebook (have still yet to meet face-to-face). She has interminable wit, is always a platform for sound advice, and is above all else, a good listener. Oh, and her irreverence makes me want to hug her until she turns to dust.

She got her PhD 3 days ago, when she returned to Utah for the weekend. I'm honored and humbled to have sent her a Utah postcard, addressed to "Dr Rosenberg".

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Day 28 - reflection

Well, I can't say I made anything today, really. Breakfast was Fiber One cereal, lunch was leftover guacamole and chips and dinner was Taco Bell. I made strawberry cupcakes for a thing Katie's got going on tomorrow, but I've already done a blog about those.

Reflecting on the past month, I really think my relationship with food has changed for the better. I think I awakened some tastebuds! I'm not afraid of white onions anymore. I ate more things containing tomatoes. I like peppers. I know some simple staple (organic) food items which carry a pretty decent shelf-life that can usually enhance any meal. I can use more seasonings than salt and pepper. I understand cooking times of different kinds of meats. I finally get that human touching food with bare hands kind of sensuality the chefs talk about on Top Chef. I get it, and it's good.

Some meals don't need to be complex to be a crowd-pleaser. I really enjoyed challenging myself to really step outside of the box and face some serious deep-rooted food fears I've been lugging around my whole life. Don't even get me started about how I feel about knives. ::shudder:: But I chopped things. I chopped a lot of things, and I'm proud of myself.

This has been a busy month, so I'm going to follow my buddy Laura's advice and do an entirely different kind of challenge for March. Postcards.

Yup, postcards.

I got a postcard the other day from a friend I met on Facebook and it tickled me to no end. I took a little hiatus (40 days to be exact) from the networking site so I could decompress, and focus on real life life. She just wanted to let me know she's still thinking about me. It feels good to get back in touch with people face-to-face, so I don't miss Facebook too much right now. I think sending actual mail is a lost art, and the outcome of who I contact might be fun. You might want to make sure I've got your current address, peeps. Just sayin'.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Day 27 - Jason's Deli

I got this turkey wrap with fresh fruit. Yum!

Friday, February 26, 2010

Day 26 - chicken wraps

Fresh baby spinach
shredded monterey jack cheese
baked chicken breast
sour cream
flour tortillas

No recipe here. Just some plain old "tossing things together at the last minute" kind of dinner. Tortillas have a shelf life (before being opened) of upwards of three months. It's a good idea, especially with kiddos in the house, to keep these around. Something about wrapping food into something portable makes it oh-so-appealing to eight year olds.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Day 25 - Shrimp Scampi

Back on the cooking wagon!


    1 lb. jumbo shrimp, shelled and deveined 2 tbsp unsalted butter 1 tbsp minced garlic 1 tbsp freshly chopped flat-leaf parsley 1 freshly squeezed lemon 1 tbsp grated lemon zest Kosher salt Ground black pepper


Shell, devein and dry shrimp (leave tails on).
Season shrimp with salt and pepper.
Heat a large skillet over medium heat, add butter.
When foaming subsides, raise heat to high and add shrimp in single layer.
Cook shrimp for one minute.
Add garlic and cook for an additional minute.
Turn shrimp over and cook for two more minutes.
Transfer shrimp to a serving bowl.
Return the skillet to medium heat, add lemon juice.
Scrape any browned bits from bottom of pan with wooden spoon.
Boil liquid for 45 seconds, then add the zest and parsley to the sauce.
Pour sauce over shrimp and toss to combine.

I don't know if my palate isn't enhanced for this or...what the problem was. This was not a palatable meal. I don't know what could have fixed this. It was bitter, had a horrid after-taste. I think had I added a cream sauce, it would have made it a lot better, but murdered it from a nutritional standpoint. I'd have to really consider some alterations before even thinking about making this again.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Day 24 - Made a run for the border

I had a non-stop day that involved taking my puppy in for Parvo treatment, so there was no way I was going to cook tonight. I went to Taco Bell and got their Beefy 5-layer burrito, which was crazy good. I don't even want to know the nutritional content, so I won't look. The bright side is (from a caloric standpoint) the only other thing I had the chance to eat today was buttered double-fiber toast (Orowheat) and a handful of Teddy Grahams. Kind of makes up for the fact my doctor called me fat today. Meh.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Day 23 - Pollo y Cebollas Salteados

Tonight was Sauteed Chicken and Onion night. The recipe I found was in Spanglish, but here's the gist of it:

    Garlic, 3 cloves Ground Oregano, 1 tsp a few dashes of black pepper a few dashes of salt 2 Tbsps olive oil 2 oz tap water 1/2 white onion, chopped 4 chicken breasts

1-Crush garlic, oregano, black pepper and salt.
2-Dice the chicken breast tenders and mix with the garlic paste until each piece is seasoned with it.
3-In a frypan, sauté chicken in oil. Add water and cook until water evaporates and chicken is cooked.
4-Add onion to chicken, cook until tender.
5-Makes 4 portions

The chicken tasted very light. The garlic gave it a sweet flavor and the oregano gave a slight Italian aftertaste. When I make this again (which I will), I would probably use a few more breasts and add cabbage or sweet peppers. This isn't a one-dish meal like what I prefer to make, so this alone as listed above would also work well over a bed of linguine. **NOTE** Original recipe only called for three chicken breasts, so note this in the nutritional value listed below:

Nutritional Info
  • Servings Per Recipe: 3
  • Amount Per Serving
  • Calories: 111.1
  • Total Fat: 7.1 g
  • Cholesterol: 10.0 mg
  • Sodium: 283.0 mg
  • Total Carbs: 6.2 g
  • Dietary Fiber: 0.9 g
  • Protein: 4.4 g

Monday, February 22, 2010

Day 22 - Black Pepper Beef And Cabbage Stir Fry

    Very simple dish, packed with veggies, light tasting but filling at the same time. One note: If you're not a big fan of "spicy" dishes, you might consider cutting the black pepper in half. This was a definite "top" meal for me. Very simple to make, very inexpensive ingredients, took about 20 minutes from prep to table. I'll definitely make this again!
        2 tablespoons vegetable oil
        4 cloves garlic, chopped
        1/2 pound ground beef
        1/2 small head cabbage, shredded
        1 red bell pepper, cut into strips
        2 tablespoons low-sodium soy sauce
        1 teaspoon cornstarch
        1/2 cup water
        1 teaspoon ground black pepper

      Heat a wok or large skillet over medium-high heat, and add oil. Saute garlic for about 5 seconds, then add ground beef. Stir-fry until beef is evenly brown. Stir in cabbage and pepper, and cook until vegetables are tender, and beef is fully cooked. Stir in soy sauce. Mix together cornstarch and water, and stir in. Season with pepper. Cook, stirring, until sauce has thickened.

      Servings: 4

      Nutritional Info
      • Servings Per Recipe: 4
      • Amount Per Serving
      • Calories: 202.6
      • Total Fat: 11.3 g
      • Cholesterol: 32.8 mg
      • Sodium: 361.6 mg
      • Total Carbs: 12.3 g
      • Dietary Fiber: 3.6 g
      • Protein: 14.8 g

      Sunday, February 21, 2010

      Day 21 - McDonald's

      I know. I KNOW. Ick on 800 different levels. It's one thing to be falling apart, it's another for a host of blog followers to follow me down the road to gut-destruction.

      I'm ashamed, so very ashamed.

      Saturday, February 20, 2010

      Day 20 - Rosa's

      It's been such a busy month. Cooking isn't that much of a hassle, it really isn't. Sometimes it's just nice to have someone cook for me. Rosa's is one of my favorite places to go in Texas. I know I just said that about Braum's yesterday, but it's apples and oranges. Rosa's has such a fun environment. It's got a gigantic dining area, super high ceilings, bright decorations, friendly employees. I order myself, then get notified when my meal is ready and I run back up front and grab it. I usually get the Mexican dinner which has a taco, enchilada, rice, beans and some tortillas. It's a big platter, filling, unlimited drink refills. It's a few steps up from Taco Bell, but the dining room really makes the experience. I emailed Rosa's a while back to tell them I miss eating at their restaurant, and they sent me coupons, so this dinner was courtesy of Rosa's. Thanks, guys!

      Taco, enchilada, rice, beans, tortillas

      Friday, February 19, 2010

      Day 19 - Braum's

      Oh, Braum's, how I love thee. I mean love love. Whoever lives in a part of the country where Braum's doesn't exist, I feel sorry for you. I also have a guest room if you want to come to Texas and give it a try. It's a tiny grocery store and diner/fast food joint/ice cream parlor all in one. Their milk has no added hormones and tastes like heaven in a carton. Their shakes are delightful, they have the greenest bananas on earth (green is good), and you haven't lived until you've tried one of their bacon hamburgers. I was partially relieved I got a break from cooking for a night, but I just needed something greasy. It was one of those days. I skipped the cheese (just a preference) and the tomatoes, but gobbled down the rest of the meal like it was going to be my last. Yeah. They really look like that. ::raises glass of milk:: Cheers, Braum's!

      Thursday, February 18, 2010

      Day 18 - At Subway, Eatin' Fresh!

      I'd just like to point out that I believe I made it clear in my first post for the month that this month would be food-centric blogs. I don't believe I said at any point that I'd toss on a cape (backwards apron, whatev) and become Superwoman. I have limitations, and today is one of those days. I spent hours battling traffic in between doctor's appointments, and something went awry (see: my brain) and I ran out of medication today that I couldn't get filled today. Unmedicated me + four hours in a car = feeling like I was dropped out of a plane.

      Actually, it feels more like I was bucked off an unbroken horse I jumped on to ride bareback. How do I know, you ask? I've done it. But that's another blog.

      So tonight's treat to myself and the ladies was just to go to Subway. I think the lack of product on hand and the skyrocketed prices is a good indicator that we're trying desperately to get away from being a McNation of McCardiac Arrests. The sandwiches were delish. Katie and I got the Italian BMT, and Jori got a Kid's ham sandwich meal thingy. They gave her the meal in a canvas re-usable bag. For this reason alone, I almost forgave the fact that three fairly simple sandwiches, 3 bags of chips and 3 beverages came to seventeen dollars and change. No, I'm not kidding.

      Subway is very forthright on their nutritional values. They're posted on the menus, the napkins, stickers right above the breads, as well as their website. It's a good idea to put a little thought into what toppings to put on your sandwich. How much do you really want cheese on your sandwich? Simple. Do you want to look like Jared? Or do you want to look like Jared?

      That's a trick question. Jared's gross. We want to look like Fairuza Balk. Mrowr.

      Wednesday, February 17, 2010

      Day 17 - Broiled Tilapia Parmesan AND guacamole!

      Oh, that's right folks. I took it up a notch and made two recipes. I think my family is convinced I've been abducted and replaced with a less annoying version of Rachael Ray. The guac was more of a happy accident than something planned. We had bought avocados last weekend that I forgot about until this evening. So, since super-mushy avocados are pretty much guacamole in a shell anyway, I decided to save their integrity and just turn 'em into dip. First, let's get to this tilapia business.

      3 Tilapia fillets
      2 tsps olive oil
      juice from two fresh limes
      1 tsp dehydrated cilantro
      2 cups fresh spinach
      1/4 cup chopped fresh tomatoes
      1 Tbsp shredded parmesan cheese
      garlic powder

      Brush fillets with some olive oil. I've seen that "Naked Chef" guy so I thought I'd be fancy. I just drizzled a dollop of oil on the fillet (in my hands) and rubbed it in on both sides. Saves cleaning a brush and it makes everyone watching you cook think you're just so totally cool. Squeeze juice from the limes over the fillets. I also don't own a lime juicer, so I crushed them (just like Ahnold) with my bare hands. I'm flexing right now. Trust me. Sprinkle garlic powder over fish. Don't encrust the little guy, but don't be afraid to use this spice liberally. Sprinkle fillets with cilantro. I just find it's easier to keep dehydrated cilantro on hand instead of the fresh, but that's up to you.

      Broil 6 inches from heat in oven for 6 minutes, or until fish flakes easily with a fork. While the fish is under the heat, get your spinach rinsed off and pluck off all the stems. It might seem tedious to do so, but trust me, it's worth it. Place spinach in a microwave safe dish, cover loosely, nuke for 4 minutes. The natural juices of the spinach will steam it for you. Fancy, huh?

      Spoon cooked spinach onto plate, place fish over spinach. Place chopped tomatoes and shredded cheese over the fish, and you're done! Best. Fish. Dish. Ever. True story. The bonus is being able to get through dinner, do the dishes, and still be able to brag to everyone how your hands smell limey fresh.

      Holy Guacamole!

        2 medium Hass avocados
        1/2 cup onion, chopped
        2 Tbsp dehydrated cilantro
        1/4 cup tomato chopped
        juice from a fresh lime (or two!)


      Cut avocado in half and remove pit. Scoop pulp out into a bowl. Using a fork, mash avocado until smooth in consistency. Add the lime juice, onion, cilantro, and tomato. Poof. You're the life of the party. (The guac is in the lower right hand corner there.)

      Tuesday, February 16, 2010

      Day 16 - Gone in 60 Seconds Meatloaf


        1 lb. 93% Lean Ground Turkey
        1 large egg
        1/2 cup Italian bread crumbs
        1/3 cup ketchup
        1/2 onion, finely chopped
        2 Tbsp. 1% Milk
        1 Tbsp. Worcestershire Sauce
        1/2 tsp. Salt
        1/4 tsp. ground black pepper
        1/4 tsp. garlic powder
        1/4 tsp. oregano
        5-6 "shakes" paprika


      Mix all ingredients in large mixing bowl. Spray Pyrex casserole dish with cooking spray. Mold the meatloaf mixture into a "loaf" in the dish. Sprinkle with additional pepper if desired. Bake in oven at 350 for 45 minutes. After first 20 minutes cooking, add additional catsup to top of loaf. Remove from oven after 45 minutes, let "rest" an additional 10 minutes on counter/stove-top. 

      Nutritional Info
      • Servings Per Recipe: 6
      • Amount Per Serving
      • Calories: 170.9
      • Total Fat: 5.9 g
      • Cholesterol: 63.6 mg
      • Sodium: 646.9 mg
      • Total Carbs: 11.3 g
      • Dietary Fiber: 0.5 g
      • Protein: 16.6 g

      Monday, February 15, 2010

      Day 15 - Crunchy Chicken!

        3 fresh chicken breasts
        1/4 cup dried Italian bread crumbs
        9 tsp Olive oil
        Salt (to taste, optional) 


      Heat oven to 375 F. 

       Wash chicken and pat dry. 

      Dip chicken pieces into breadcrumbs and turn so as to coat all over.
      Place in a lightly greased baking pan and drizzle about 1 teaspoon of olive oil over each chicken breast.
      Sprinkle with a pinch of salt.
      Bake for 40 to 45 minutes
      Serves 3-4

      The Italian crumbs take this dish's flavor to an entirely new level. Comes with all the flavor of a tasty fried chicken, with none of the grease.

      Nutritional Info
      • Servings Per Recipe: 4
      • Amount Per Serving
      • Calories: 146.4
      • Total Fat: 8.8 g
      • Cholesterol: 38.0 mg
      • Sodium: 121.2 mg
      • Total Carbs: 5.1 g
      • Dietary Fiber: 0.3 g
      • Protein: 11.1 g

      Sunday, February 14, 2010

      Day 14 - Poor Man's Pot Roast

        1 lean 2 lb beef roast 2 medium onions peeled and halved 4 carrots, peeled and cut in half 1/2 a large cabbage cut in 4 wedges 2 potatoes, peeled and cut in half 4 cups Emeril's beef broth 2 bay leaves 2 cloves of garlic salt and pepper to taste


      1. Put Slow cooker at medium high heat.
      2. Add all to pot and cook 3-5 hours.
      3. Serve with vegetables and juices.
      You know, I just wasn't a fan of this. The flavor wasn't there, so it was just an underwhelming dish for me. I haven't tried cabbage in a pot roast in the past, but I definitely will do it in the future...if I can just find a better pot roast recipe. :)

      Saturday, February 13, 2010

      Day 13 - Niki's Italian Bistro

      Celebrated Valentine's Day a day early. It's still cold, and I'm still hurtin', so tonight I was going to let someone else cook for me. One of my favorite local restaurants is Niki's Italian Bistro. The prices are reasonable, and the food isn't that Tex-Italian rubbish they have at several other "Italian" restaurants in the neighborhood. I really like the ambience too. It probably won't sit more than 70 people. It's romantic and intimate, but every time I've been I've seen several tables where couples have brought their whole family. For the sake of the blog, I decided to go out on a limb. I was going to order something different. I usually get the baked ziti, the manicotti or the cannelloni. I prefer marinara and naked (oil based) sauces to the heavier and richer alfredo sauces. 

      I ordered their Chicken Scarpariello, which is a chicken breast sauteed with lemon sauce and fresh garlic. The entree was simple in appearance, but the flavors were so complex. It was served over angel hair pasta and came with a bottomless basket of garlic twist rolls. I could only get through half the plate, but at least I made room for the chocolate turtle cheesecake. I love this restaurant and would recommend it to everyone!