Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Day 31 - reflection and moving forward

I haven't sent a postcard on time since the 8th. Do I have the tenacity to sit around today and write 22 more postcards and mail them out today? Maybe not. I've got the stamps and the cards, sure. Do I have that many friends? Perhaps. Do I have the energy, attention span and passion for it? Doubtful. I'm starting to see that these challenges of physically doing something every day seems to be too much for me right now.

Loosely considering doing something way different in April. Perhaps to post a quote which speaks to me, or to make note of something lacking in my life and how I combat it. I guess I'll have time to consider it, as I'm writing my postcards... ::le sigh::


  1. I felt horrible by not following through with my original plans for the month, so I went back and wrote postcards for every weekday in March. I updated the blogs and I'll be popping all these cards in the mail on Monday. Better late than never, right? :)

  2. I feel even more horrible because they are STILL IN MY PURSE.
    Mailing this weekend. It's on the list!
